与朋友们一起同步观看Prime Video的内容,享受共同的观看体验。
- 同步视频播放
- 跨账户同步控制
- 低-profile 聊天侧边栏
- 一键分享链接

Watch together!
Watch content from Prime Video with all your friends synchronously. Keep in mind that everyone in your party needs use his/her personal Prime account!
– Install the PrimeVideoParty plugin
– Surf to www.primevideo.com (or to www.amazon.com/gp/video/storefront)
– Click the ‘pv’ button next to your address bar
– Copy and share the link to your friends
– Start a video, sit back and enjoy!
This browser extension allows you to initiate any video from Prime Video, start, pause and seek time synchronously. Experience first-class webplayer integration with a low-profile chat sidebar to keep you from distractions.
PrimeParty is in no way affiliated with Amazon.com Inc.