News Feed Eradicator


News Feed Eradicator帮助您摆脱社交媒体噪音,通过将整个新闻推送替换为激励人生的名言,从而让您重新掌控自己的生活。


  • 替换新闻推送为激励名言
  • 支持多个社交媒体平台
  • 保持其他功能不变
  • 帮助您摆脱社交媒体依赖



Eradicate social media noise by replacing your entire news feed with an inspiring quote

Do you often want to check social media, and then find yourself disappearing for hours as you’re consumed by the endless scrolling? Do you want your life back, but can’t bear to delete social media altogether?

This is where News Feed Eradicator comes in.

News Feed Eradicator removes the most addicting part of Facebook, Twitter and other social networks – the feed – and replaces it instead with an inspirational quote. You can still use the other functionality as usual, you just won’t get sucked into the attention hole.

See screenshots for supported websites.


“It’s easy to quit Facebook. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” ~ Mark Twain


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