- 额外表情符号 – BetterTTV全局和每频道自定义表情符号
- 改进的表情符号菜单
- 自定义关键词 – 目标短语、单词、用户和聊天徽章
- 拆分聊天行 – 便于阅读
- 隐藏视觉噪音和混乱 – 隐藏推荐频道、比特、回复、通知和社区高亮

BetterTTV enhances Twitch and YouTube with new features, emotes, and more.
Also known as “BTTV” or “Better Twitch TV” by the community, BetterTTV aims to add new features to Twitch and YouTube (in beta).
Here’s some of the features we add:
• Extra emotes in chat – BetterTTV global and per-channel custom emotes
• Improved emote menu
• Custom keywords targeting phrases, words, users, and chat badges
• Split chat lines for easy reading
• See deleted links and messages
• Anon Chat – join a channel without showing in the user list
• Automatically claim channel points bonuses, drops, and moments
• Hide visual noise and clutter like recommended channels, bits, replies, notices, and community highlights
How to use:
• Just install and visit Twitch/YouTube to begin using the add-on.
• To enable for YouTube, you need to agree to the additional permission at installation. If you didn’t, you can still enable it at any time from the BetterTTV Settings.
• Settings can be configured in the chat settings or by clicking the BetterTTV settings from the user dropdown menu.
• Note: Not all settings are compatible with YouTube at this time.