AI Home Tab



把你喜欢的 AI 放到首页

AI 越来越多,不知如何选择。
不同的 AI 给的结果不同,哪个正确?

有了,AI Home Tab,你最常用的 AI 工具全在首页。
输入一次问题,5 个常用的 AI 同时回答
问答提效 5 倍速,还能方便校验答案正确性,降低幻觉。

– 快速访问你喜欢的 AI 工具
– 输入问题,一次询问 5 个 AI
– 拖动排序,灵活调整 AI 排序
– 支持 ChatGPT、Perplexity、Kimi、Genspark 等17种工具

回车:打开第一个 AI 工具
CMD/CTRL+回车:打开所有 AI 工具

— English Intro —

AI is increasing, not sure how to choose.
Different AIs give different results, which one is correct?
Got it, AI Home Tab, all your most-used AI tools are on the homepage.

Enter a question once, and 5 most used AIs will answer simultaneously.

Question and answer 5 times faster
Verify the correctness of answers

Product Features:

– Quick access to your favorite AI tools
– Enter a question, ask five AIs at once
– Drag to sort, flexibly adjust the order of AIs
– Supports 17 tools including ChatGPT, Perplexity, Kimi, Genspark


Enter: Open the first AI tool
CMD/CTRL+Enter: Open all AI tools


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