- 一键切换暗黑模式
- 自动调整亮度和对比度
- 减少眼部疲劳
- 适合低光照环境浏览

Dark theme for every website you visit. You always have a dark mode and a night reading feature by the hand.
Night Reading for All is a Chrome extension that allows you to easily switch any website to a dark mode interface. It adjusts brightness to reduce eye strain and offers a sleek viewing experience. Enhance your browsing, working, and relaxing with Night Reading for All.
Say goodbye to eye strain and hello to a comfortable browsing experience with our chrome extension. With a simple toggle switch, you can transform any website into a sleek and stylish dark mode interface. Our extension adjusts the brightness and contrasts of webpages to reduce eye strain and improve your viewing experience, especially in low-light environments. Whether you’re working, browsing, or just relaxing, our chrome extension has you covered. Add it to Chrome now and enjoy a more comfortable and stylish browsing experience.