这个免费的porn blocker插件能够帮助您在 Chrome 浏览器中快速屏蔽不适宜的网站,保护您的隐私和自控能力。
- 实时过滤:当您访问pornographic网站或性内容时,立即重定向到帮助页面。
- 个人访问记录:查看您的访问历史记录,跟踪任何尝试访问porn的尝试。
- 免费使用:100%免费使用,无任何广告,保护您的隐私。
- 快速安装:仅需2分钟安装插件到您的浏览器。

Block porn in Chrome with this simple, free extension.
A simple and free way to block inappropriate sites in Chrome. Trusted by over 30,000 people 💚
EASY INSTALL: Only 2 minutes to install the blocker in your browser!
REAL-TIME FILTERING: When a pornographic site or sexual content comes up, you’ll be instantly redirected to a help page.
BEST VALUE: 100% free to use and zero ads – so your privacy is fully protected. See a personal log of your history to track any attempts to access porn.
Does any of this sound familiar?
– I tell myself I won’t do it anymore, but I continue to fall back no matter how hard I try
– I want to be better for my spouse/partner
– I feel like I keep sinning and letting God down
– I am tired of wasting so much time
– I feel like I have no control over my choices
If pornography is holding you back from being who you want to be, it’s time to take back control of your life. It starts with blocking porn and other inappropriate content, and then it can naturally expand to other resources than can help you tackle the root issue underneath the surface.
Interested in something more than just a blocker to overcome porn addiction? Relay is our interactive group program for people who want to go deeper and figure out what’s keeping them stuck: www.joinrelay.app/porn-recovery
TRY RELAY: Get the one-year plan for cheaper than the cost of ONE therapy session!
View our privacy policy: www.joinrelay.app/privacy-policy
P.S. – We have a growing list of blocked sites. To request another site to be blocked, go to this link: https://www.joinrelay.app/block-site-request