ImgGet 图片助手



Effortlessly Download, Filter, and Archive Web Images with ImgGet 图片助手 – Your Comprehensive Image Downloader 批量下载图片 Companion

Simplify your image workflow with ImgGet. Effortlessly download, filter, and organize web images with ImgGet. Streamline your tasks and save time while managing your visual content like a pro.


📥 Bulk Image Downloads: Easily grab multiple images from any web page in one go!
✅ Selective Downloads: Choose the specific images you want to save hassle-free.
🔍 Smart Filtering: Filter images by size, shape, or by their names for a tailored downloading experience.
📂 Flexible Download Options: Save images as a folder, individual files, or a ZIP archive.

使用ImgGet 图片助手简化您的图片工作流程。轻松下载、筛选和整理网络图片,像专业人士一样管理您的视觉内容,简化您的任务,节省时间。


📥 批量下载图片:轻松从任何网页一次性抓取多张图片!
✅ 选择性下载:自由选择您想要保存的特定图片。
🔍 智能筛选:按大小、形状或名称筛选图片,为您提供定制的下载体验。
📂 灵活的下载选项:将图片保存为文件夹、单个文件,或者ZIP存档。


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