
Tab for Black Lives Matter


Tab for Black Lives Matter是一个支持黑人生命权益运动的浏览器插件,帮助您每天学习新的资源、捐款给相关基金和签署关键请愿书。


  • 每天学习新的资源:提供三个新的学习资源、三个捐款基金和三个请愿书签署,每天更新。
  • 支持黑人艺术家:在新标签页中展示黑人艺术家的作品,并链接到他们的作品集和Instagram账户。
  • 用户贡献资源:允许用户贡献新的资源和基金,并保存在插件中。
  • 捐款黑人生命权益组织:将插件上的广告收入100%捐献给黑人生命权益组织。
  • 社交媒体分享:鼓励用户在社交媒体上分享插件,帮助扩大影响力。



Discover new Black artists, contribute ad revenue to, and educate yourself on the Black lives matter cause.

Thanks for considering Tab for Black Lives Matter!
✰Winner of the NYC Coders #HackForBlackLivesMatter Hackathon✰

Visit our website to learn more: https://tabforblacklivesmatter.github.io/

This is an essential tool for anyone wanting to stay actively engaged in the Black lives matter movement. With three new resources to learn from, three funds to contribute to, and three petitions to sign every day, you can stay actively engaged well past the news cycle. Our extension ensures that every day, you’re reading something new about the Black Lives Matter movement, finding new places to donate, and signing the petitions that are critical now.

In addition, we feature a selected piece of art from a Black artist and links to their portfolios/Instagram where you can check them out. Your new tabs are now not only educational, they’re also beautiful.

Our content is constantly being updated by you, the users, based on suggested resources and funds. Check out our resources and contribute your own using the google forms on our website. We also provide a way for you to save these resources, as well as those you find online, in the extension itself. We’re hoping to have ads on our extension soon and donate 100% of this revenue to organizations that empower Black folks, but to do this, we need to have a large number of users download our extension.

Install today, leave us a review, and promote us on social media! Every installation helps.

PS –
We’re searching for brands and companies to work with us who want to advertise on our extension! 100% OF PROCEEDS will go to various Black lives matter funds. If this is you or anyone you know, please reach out to us via our email address.


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