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  • 自动扫描Amazon产品页面中的有害成分
  • 手动扫描任何网站上的成分信息
  • 扫描成分列表图片中的有害物质
  • 个性化成分检查,根据您的过敏或膳食信息
  • 警示数千种已知或疑似会引发癌症、干扰激素、损害生育、引发过敏或被禁或限制的成分



Simple Safe Shopping. Keep toxic products out of your home.


– Checks Food and Personal Care ingredients for toxins, allergens, or diet restrictions on any site

– Effortlessly auto-scans Amazon product pages for harmful ingredients

– Highlight text and right-click for manual ingredient scans on any site

– Scans images of ingredient lists for harmful substances

– Update your user profile with allergy or diet information for personalized ingredient checks

– Alerts for thousands of ingredients that are known or suspected to cause cancer, interfere with hormones, harm fertility, cause birth defects or developmental issues, trigger allergies, or are otherwise banned or restricted.

– Free to use, unbiased, and ad-free.

– Centered on privacy – we don’t even require your email.

SafeSelect: Your Wellness Ally in Smart Online Shopping

Tired of researching product ingredients in food and personal care items? SafeSelect makes it simple.

SafeSelect tells you which products are safe and which aren’t, so you don’t have to.

Avoiding toxic ingredients? On a diet? Have allergies? SafeSelect has you covered.

Regulations often lag behind science, leaving harmful ingredients in everyday products. It’s up to us to stay informed and protect our health.

But keeping track of countless additives and staying updated with new research is overwhelming.

SafeSelect helps you shop safely and intentionally. It takes the burden of research off your shoulders.

We hope for a future where harmful ingredients are banned. Until then, SafeSelect is your trusted resource for safer shopping.

Contact the Founder at:

I’d love to hear your feedback as well as any questions you have on healthy living.


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