NSFW Filter
NSFW Filter浏览器插件可以帮助您在工作或公共场合避免不适宜的内容,提供安全和健康的浏览体验。
- AI驱动的NSFW内容检测
- 免费、开源和隐私保护
- 社区驱动的开发和维护
- 阻止不适宜的内容
Free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content.
NSFW Filter is a free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to filter out “not safe for work” content.
Under the hood, NSFW Filter uses an artificial intelligence model to detect NSFW content and block it.
This project is completely built by volunteers and will be forever free and open source. If you would like to contribute to the development of the project, visit: https://github.com/nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter