Trusted Shops extension for Google Chrome


在Google搜索中快速找到可靠的在线商店,安装Trusted Shops官方扩展,确保安全的在线购物体验。


  • 免费安装,显示信任商店
  • 搜索结果中显示信任商店标志和退款保证
  • 警告用户避免假冒商店



Find secure shops in your Google search: install the official Trusted Shops extension

Safe online shopping.

The Trusted Shops browser extension
• is free of charge and installed with one click
• shows shops with the trustmark and money-back guarantee in the search results
• warns you before entering a fake shop

The official Trusted Shops Google Chrome extension shows you which online shops have the Trusted Shops trustmark directly in the search results. These shops offer you the comprehensive money-back guarantee no matter which payment option you’ve chosen.
In addition, you are actively warned with a pop-up when you enter a shop that Trusted Shops has classified as fraudulent.


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