



  • 实时编辑和设计:点、点击、移动、调整大小和调整网页元素
  • 样式和布局检查:检查样式、间距、距离、可访问性和对齐
  • 模拟真实环境:在不同的设备尺寸和状态下设计和测试网页
  • 无需等待开发者:直接编辑和测试网页的最终状态,无需等待开发者暴露组件
  • 设计工具交互和热键:将设计工具交互和热键带到浏览器中,赋予设计师和内容创作者更多权力



Open source browser design tools

Open source web design debug tools built with JavaScript: a FireBug for designers.

– Point, click, move, resize & tinker
– Edit or style any page, in any state, like it’s an artboard
– Inspect styles, spacing, distance, accessibility and alignment
– Nitpick layouts & content, in the real end environment, at any device size
– Leverage adobe/sketch skills
– Edit text, replace images
– Design within the chaos: use production or prototypes and the odd states they produce, as artboards and design opportunities
– Design while DevTools simulates latency, i18n, media queries, platform constraints, CPUs, screensize, etc
– Make more decisions on the front end of your site/app (a11y, responsive, edge cases, etc)
– No waiting for developers to expose their legos, just go direct and edit the end state (regardless of framework) and execute/test an idea

Give power to designers & content creators, in a place where they currently feel they have little to none, **by bringing design tool interactions and hotkeys to the browser**


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