Signer.Digital Digital Signature, PKI


Signer.Digital Chrome Extension enables users to digitally sign returns, PDFs, and web authentication using digital certificates from the browser, eliminating the need for Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on Windows, Linux, or Mac.


  • Digital Signature of eReturns, PDF & Web User Auth
  • RSA Encryption/Decryption and Certificate Enrollment/Download on Smartcard
  • Support for ICP-Brazil and ITIDA Egypt
  • User-controlled Allowed Origins with customizable permissions
  • Free JavaScript API for most digital signing and authentication operations



Digital Signature of eReturns, PDF & Web User Auth, RSA Encryption/Decryption, Certificate Enrollment/Download on Smartcard.

This extension does not require Java Runtime (JRE) on Windows, Linux or Mac.

Digital Signature Chrome Extension: Signer.Digital Chrome Extension by Chartered Information Systems Pvt. Ltd., India is chrome extension for Digitally Signing Returns, XML, Hash, Content, Document, PDF, Data Encryption/Decryption, etc from Browser using Certificate in Smart Cards, USB Tokens, PFX file on User’s System, User’s Local Certificate Store or Hardware Security Modules (HSM), Signer.Digital Signing Web APIs. Also has API for Certificate Enrollment/Download on Smartcard or USB Token directly form the modern browsers. API for list of connected Smartcard may be used to detect connected Smartcard or USB Token.

JULY 2022 – Added support for ICP-Brazil and ITIDA Egypt.

Windows Host application used by this extension may be Downloaded from:

User has full control on Allowed Origins. Before every action (operation), Extension Host shows dialog and user can choose ‘Deny’, ‘Allow Once’, ‘Always Allow’ and ‘Manage Origins’.

To check working of this extension visit

Contact us for Linux and Mac Host application.

Most of the JavaScript API in Signer.Digital Browser Extension is completely FREE to use (Only API GenerateCSR and ImportCert – which are mainly used by Certifying Authorities for Certificate Issuance is not free.) Certifying authorities are requested to contact to enable their ‘Issuer Name’ in the Signer.Digital Browser Extension.

Chartered Information Systems also provides secure Slots in HSM hosted in Multi Tenant mode, for digital signing.

This extension is widely used for Digitally Signing PDF Documents from Browser, Web Authentication using Digital Certificate, Signing eReturns, AuthTokens, Data Encryption/Decryption using Smartcard or USB Token connected to user’s browser.

Works on Chrome and Chromium base Edge browsers.

Sample Code, Walk-through, and Source code of Windows Integration project is available at

Signer.Digital.Weblib is free for single page signing from .NET web application


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