Transpose ▲▼ pitch ▹ speed ▹ loop for videos


当你需要练习一首歌曲或学习音乐教程时,这款音频处理插件可以帮助你快速pitch shift、speed change和loop在线视频,例如YouTube,成为音乐家的必备工具。


  • 实时音频处理
  • 高质量音频pitch & transpose
  • 控制播放速度
  • 在时间标记之间循环
  • 支持所有在线音频,包括Spotify web player



Pitch shifter, speed changer and looper for online videos like YouTube. Musician’s toolbox for practicing and rehearsing.

✓ Real time audio processing
✓ High quality audio pitch & transpose
✓ Control the playback speed
✓ Loop between time markers
✓ Jump directly to a time marker
✓ Supports all online audio, including Spotify web player
✓ Remember settings for each video
✓ History list
✓ Keyboard shortcuts
✓ Progress & navigation bar
✓ Pitch shift mp3 and other local files
✓ Dark theme
✓ Unlimited Loops
✓ No browser permissions required for Youtube

Do you ever play along with a YouTube video to practice a song or learn from a music tutorial lesson? When you need to master a song in a different key you can use this tool to pitch shift the audio, repeat a section in a loop or slow down the video to get a hang of it quicker.

Go to a video site like Youtube or Vimeo, select a music video, and open the extension to get started. Do you want to pitch shift an mp3 file? This could be a faster way!

💁 Note:
• refresh the page if it doesn’t work the first time
• works on Youtube, Vimeo, but some other sites may block usage.


Browser Permissions
By default, no permissions are needed. For specific sites, like, or embedded Youtube video’s optional permissions can be needed.
For a detailed description of usage see:


• Tonhöhe und Geschwindigkeit ändern
• Cambiar el tono y la velocidad
• Changez le pitch et la vitesse


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